Prevention of Freeze ups

One of the most common and most expensive claims we handle every year is Freeze ups. It's common for us Alaskan's to travel during the dark and cold months, however this is when these horrible claims occur. The best prevention is to have a house sitter. Another option is to install Freeze/Water Alarms in your home. There are many to choose from. Also if you have an alarm system on your home, it may be a simple upgrade with little to no added cost. Here are some we found on a Google search
HomeSitter Freeze and Water Alarm
Temperature@lert USB Standard 3.5
Control Products Temperature Alarm Dialer

Happy Holidays! and Hours today

Here's wishing everyone a safe and warm Holiday! We are open today till 3pm, stop by or call.

Customer satisfaction Results

We are so blessed to have great customers! Our customer satisfaction results are in! We are one of the highest in our REGION! We are very proud! Truly shows we have a great team and meet our customers needs!

Drinking myths

As long as you've gotten a few hours of sleep, you'll be OK to drive the morning after you've been drinking.
Power naps, even in the middle of the night, are not sufficient. Alcohol is processed out of the body at your body's own fixed rate. Your reflexes and other physical abilities can be affected for as many as 10 hours after you've finished your last drink (and this could be longer if you had a tremendous amount to drink).

If I have too much to drink, I can drink a lot of coffee to sober up quickly. Right?
Ha. Tell us another one! Drinking a lot of coffee after drinking too much alcohol may, however, increase your discomfort through the need to use the bathroom while being transported to the jail on DUI charges. Only time will remove alcohol from the system. It takes the body approximately one hour to eliminate the alcohol in one drink. An old saying goes, "give a drunk a cup of coffee and all you have is a wide-awake drunk.

Splashing cold water on my face or taking a cold shower will help sober me up.
Splash away! And by all means, take a cold shower. It may make you cleaner, but it won't sober you up or make you a safe driver. The deputies at the jail, however, prefer clean drunks and recommend showering prior to doing anything that will lead to your arrest, such as driving after you've been drinking.

More go to

Please do not drive drunk or buzzed.
Fact: Among all the embarrassment and other expenses, your auto rates will double or triple.

Roadside Assistance

Due to the Ice Storm last week we processed a bunch of towing claims, easily in the 1,000's of dollars through our motorclub program. If you weren't aware we have a plan that pay for UNLIMITED dollars, and miles! Also pays to unlock your car, helps you get back on the road if you get a flat, run out of gas or need a jump start. This comprehensive plan also provides lodging and meals if you are stranded more than 100+ miles away from home if you're involved in a collision. This plan also covers any car you drive! Call for more information.