Alaska Public Fire Education

On average 16 Alaskans die from fire every year, 3 of those are children under 18 years old.
The most common cause of fire deaths in Alaska is careless smoking while drinking alcohol.
On average, twice as many males die from fire then females.
More fire fatalites occur in a single family residence than any other structure.
From 1999 - 2008 all residential fires that had a fatality, 55% of the homes did not have a smoke alarm installed or the smoke alarm did not work.
The Division of Fire and Life Safety offers the following ideas to help you prevent a fire in your home:
*Cook Safely - Always keep an eye on your cooking
*Extingish all cigarettes completely
*Keep combustibles away from heat sources
*Use electrical outlets wisely - Don't overload
*Keep matches and lighters away from children
*Extinguish all candles when leaving a room or going to bed
*Store flammable liquids in an approved container in secure location
*Space heaters need space
*Keep your vehicle well maintained to prevent vehicle fires
*Keep your heating system clean and maintained
For further information please contact:
Public Education CoordinatorMahlon Greene645 Cope Industrial WayPalmer, Alaska 99645Phone: (907) 746-5062Fax: (907) 745-4529