HomeSense, Golden Valley Program

Home$ense is Golden Valley Electric Association's electrical energy efficiency program. It is offered to all residential members.

A trained energy efficiency specialist will travel to your home and explain ways you can reduce electrical usage without sacrificing comfort and will install energy efficient products at no additional cost.
During a Home$ense audit, participants receive:
-Education materials and best practices in energy efficiency and use
-Up to 12 compact fluorescent lamps installed to replace incandescent bulbs. CFL installations are limited to fixtures currently in use.
-A refrigerator thermometer and coil cleaning brush
-An adjustable weather-proof vehicle plug-in timer, if applicable

In addition, if the house has a 220-volt hard-wired electric water heater, participants may also receive:
-An electric water heater insulating blanket
-Up to 10 lineal feet of pipe wrap
-Two faucet aerators
-One low-flow shower head