Are you going on vacation or leaving your home or apartment for greater than a day? Be sure to have someone stay at your residence or checking on it daily. REMEMBER, Frozen pipes aren't just an inconvenience, families have their homes ruined and their lives disrupted each winter all because of water pipes that freeze.
*Set your thermostat no lower than 60 degrees

*Install a low heat alarm (calls you if the home reaches 50 degrees)

*Have a plumber install a low water cut off switch on forced hot water boiler.

*Fill heating system with Anti-freeze

*Install a low oil alarm

*Insulate every bit of your pipes including connections

*Wrap pipes with heat tape

*Let water trickle on very cold days (turn facets on and let warm water trickle continuously)

*Have your fuel oil delivery set up on auto fill (make sure to do months before your departure)
If your home will be unoccupied for any length of time :

*Drain all domestic water lines, leave faucets and drain valves open

*Have the water service shut off in the street and remove meter

*Drain all heating lines, leave all drain valves open

*Drain all Boilers and hot water heaters, and leave drain valves open
*Drain plumbing fixtures and add anti-freeze to all traps

*Shut off gas service at the meter

*Have house checked daily, leaving a different light on everyday.
*Unplug ALL appliances and fixtures (everything)

More tips:

Check and replace washing machine hoses annually

Water heaters, safety vales and washing machines that are located above the first floor or in a finished basement should have drain pans.

Know were your water meter and shut-off valves are located. (test it's integrity once a year)

Insulate and fill any cracks in the exterior siding around water pipes.