There were 236 Moose accidents reported to the Alaska State Troopers in 2006 including 2 fatalities. The average cost per Accident is $8355.92. The highest risk months are August and September when the cow comes into her breeding cycle, when the game of catch me if you can is well under way. With the large amount of movement comes the chance of finding moose on roadways where not commonly found. Statistics have increased year to year from 1996 with a total of 84 to last years staggering 236. Consider Comprehensive coverage. Usually very inexpensive and covers a broad number of perils including animals or moose. Commonly when a car reaches 10 years of age it is not worth keeping "full" coverage. There is an alternative, a middle of the road coverage, remove Collision only and keep the comprehensive for a minimal cost. Other covered items would be glass, falling object, theft, vandalism, fire, wind and hail. Call for more information.