Please help us

Time to update our records with just a minute or less of your time. Please update your emergency number and a couple other questions Thank you!!

Home inventories should be required!

You never know when a disaster may strike—but you can be prepared with a home inventory. When a claim is filled on your home or renters policy, and there's damage or lost contents, the first requirement is document all that was damage. Imagine having to do this after a fire destroys part or all of your home. Home inventories are not required but should be! This very easy site has great tips and a software to help with your personal inventory. One other tip, keep all user manuals/product guides and store in a location away from your home (family members home, office, storage shed).
Site for your use

New no physical needed!

Starting today we have a fixed term life policy that requires no physical!
(must be 18-45 yrs of age)