Glass damage?

glassdamageclaim Rocks everywhere, especially now that it's spring! If you have Comprehensive filling a claim is easy! Call 1800 626 4527, have your policy number ready before calling.
Often it is best to wait till the rocks are cleared from the roadways before scheduling your replacement or repair.

P.S. Comp/glass claims don't hurt your insurance rates.

Emergency prepardness

With the tragedy in Japan it reminds us mother nature is powerful and to be prepared. Being we are near the arctic we have to be even more prepared.

The following items are important to have readily available in your home.
Generator (hook up easy to switch in the event of a power outage)
Flashlight with extra batteries
Portable, battery-operated radio
Purchase and use "glow sticks".
First aid kit and manual
Emergency food and water (some sources say you should have up to 2 weeks worth of extra food
Nonelectric can opener
Essential medicines
Cash and credit cards
Sturdy shoes for each family member.
Warm clothes

For more go to this site How to prepare for an Earthquake

Bump up your credit score tips

Wanting to buy a house or car this year here are some easy fast ways to bump up your credit score.

Pull your credit and repair errors.

Pay down credit lines over two months.

Pay bills on time from now on.

Never use “grace periods” pay early or on time.

Do not close unused accounts.

Cut up credit cards, but keep the oldest one. (even if you don’t use it)

Spread your debt over your credit cards rather than one with all debt.

Rapid re-scoring you'll need a lender who is a customer of a rapid re-scoring service. Generally, the service will run roughly $50 for every account on your credit report that needs to be addressed, but it could save you thousands on your loan.

More on these tips go to this site, and some tools and strategies to get your score higher :(click here)

Spring time can bring Flooding

Springtime is just around the corner.. your homeowners and renters policies do not cover flood water (water from the outside of your home). Flood insurance is the only protection through FEMA can cover water damage from spring flooding. Want to know what a flood could cost? Below is an interactive tool to give you an idea.
Interactive Tool

Note: flood insurance has a 30 day waiting period, so don't wait to get coverage.
Quote and information click HERE