Drive with your Headlights

The days are getting shorter now, please remember to turn on your headlights. It's a good habit to have them on day or night, statistics show you're more visible to other motorists.
Headlight Laws In Alaska:
You must use your headlights:
Between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise.When weather conditions limit visibility to less than 1,000 feet.When driving on roads that require headlight use (Seward Highway).

Your help is needed!

A favor please: about 600 random surveys will be sent to my clients today. If you get one please take a few minutes and fill it out. Our results are historically excellent but participation is low so I don't think we get a good picture of our service expertise or our need to improve. We do what we can with what we got and always trying to make it better. Thanks so much for your help!

Car Accident

Do you know what to do after you've just been in an accident? There are a list of things to do, we have a insurance card holder with the details of all the important things to do. Simply email a request for us to mail (and put in the email the quantity) to and we will send them out for FREE. One very useful tip is Exchange insurance cards, all the info on each others insurance, and names is handy without having to write them down. Also take pictures! Most phones have a camera, take lots of pictures (or have a disposable in the car). One last reminder be sure to report all accidents to the Alaska DMV, it's required.

Hilarious Allstate Ad w/Dennis Haysbert

Fairbanks Borough Wood Stove Replacement or repair program

Today's News Miner article there is now a program to replace or repair certain wood boilers and wood stoves. ARTICLE
Here's a link to a list of Certified EPA wood stoves LINK
This link shows the current Air Quality Index LINK
REMINDER: If you do replace your primary heat source, bring your insurance company a receipt to qualify for any additional discounts!